National Growler Directory Website Which Brings Growler Filling Locations Online San Francisco Chronicle (press release) Launches To Help Beer Drinkers Find local Growler Filling Sites from Their Computers or Mobile Phones Klobe inc, a local online advertising and lead generation company, today announced the launch of its national growler directory ... |
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
National Growler Directory Website Which Brings Growler Filling Locations Online - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Monday, November 28, 2011
A Surreal Night At the Linc - The 700 Level
The 700 Level | A Surreal Night At the Linc The 700 Level The biggest storyline to me from last night's 38-20 drubbing wasn't DeSean Jackson's multitude of selfish displays, Tom Brady carving up the Eagles' defense like a cooked bird, a RAW-style confrontation between members of the ... |
Saturday, November 26, 2011
University System of Md. to break up biotechnology institute - Austin Business Journal:
The public university system’s Boarxd of Regents approved Friday a sweeping restructuringv ofthe (UMBI) that will parcek out its four research centers, along with staff and othetr assets, to other campuses. Systemn leaders hope the restructuring will drivre research collaboration and boost access tooutside funding. It also means an end for which was launched to grea t fanfare two decades ago with the mission ofadvancinvg education, research and economi development for what was then the state’s nascent biotechu industry.
A months-long study of UMBI by an ad hoc committee led by USM regentsd Chairman Clifford Kendall concludedthat “thed organization of UMBI as a geographically dispersed, free-standing entity has createdd intractable problems.” Those problems included an inabilitgy to scale UMBI programs, isolation among UMBI’s research centers, the lack of a criticak mass of graduate and undergraduated students involved in UMBI and administrative inefficiencies.
“After a comprehensivd and deliberative process, we have concluded that restructuringh UMBI’s assets is the right thing to do,” Kendall said in a “With a focus on collaboration — across disciplines and acrossinstitutions — and with recognition of the exceptionak talent within the UMBI community and the system’s otherr institutions, this action will positioj USM to take fuller advantage of its system-widwe strengths in the biosciences and to fuel the state’ s knowledge economy even more.” The move isn’t a totakl surprise. Critics have long questioned whether the state was duplicating its researcjh efforts inthe biosciences.
UMBI’s four centersx in Baltimore, Rockville and College Park conduct researcgon medical, biotechnology, marine and environmentao science. At the same time, statwe funding for higher education is pinched by the recession andthe state’sx budget deficit, and universities’ researcbh needs are growing. Under the restructuring approvedr Friday by the regentws at a meeting in a joint University System of Maryland researcnh center will be establishedat UMBI’s Center for Advanceed Research in Biotechnology in Rockville.
The system’s flagship Colleg e Park campus will oversee the facility and work with the University of Maryland, Baltimore to elevate work in engineering and computational sciences as well as structural protein design and drug discovery. • UMBI’z Center for Biosystems Research will also be overseej byCollege Park. • A joint research centerr at UMBI’s Center of Marine Biotechnology in Baltimore will be with administrative responsibility fallingf to the Universityof Maryland, Baltimore UMBC will collaborate with the Universityt of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and the University of Baltimore to drive research in environmental and genomic • UMBI’s Baltimore-based Medical Biotechnology Centedr will fall under the Universitt of Maryland, Baltimore’s • UMBI’s Institute of Fluorescence will be administered by UMBC.
UMBI’s K-12 educational programss will be overseen by with an eye on enhancin itsteaching focus. UMBI President Jennir Hunter-Cevera is stepping down June 30 afteer 10 years in that She will become executive vice president of discoveryg and analytical sciences and corporate developmentat , a Northb Carolina nonprofit. The University System of Maryland will honor tenure held by UMBIfaculty members, and administrativs support staffers will be able to stay in their jobs through fiscal 2010.
Job opportunities at othetr system campuses willbe identified, and memoranda of understanding outliningv future operations and collaborations are expectedd to be completed by the end of this year and fulluy implemented by the end of fiscal 2010. UMBI generatesa about $25 million in research activity annually, and universith system leaders hope to see that number increase dramaticallyt by breaking upthe institute. “Today’s decisions by the board provide a tremendous opportunity for the Universit y System of Maryland to increase the volume and impact of its basifc and applied research in the said USM ChancellorWilliam E. Kirwan in a statement.
“This restructuring has the potentialp to double the research productivityof UMBI’s current assets within five years.”
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Annual "Kayla Cares" Blanket Drive Begins Friday -
Annual "Kayla Cares" Blanket Drive Begins Friday Lawrence Township sixth-grader Kayla Jackson is hoping to collect 2000 donated blankets to help keep families and pets warm this winter. By Jacquelyn Pillsbury Ryan Stevens and Kayla Jackson are ready to launch the Third Annual "Kayla Cares If You Are ... |
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
US received good demand at 2-year auction - MarketWatch
US received good demand at 2-year auction MarketWatch Bonds held onto gains after the Treasury Department received good demand at its sale of 2-year notes, the first of three debt sales in the holiday-shortened week. WSJ's global economic editor David Wessel reports efforts by the debt supercommittee to ... |
Sunday, November 20, 2011
HLTH, WebMD propose merger with help from Raymond James - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Under the terms of the definitive merger each share of HLTH will be convertec into the right toreceive 0.4444 sharez of WebMD common stock. The companies previously announcedd a merger in February 2008 but terminated that agreement in October 2008 due to concerns stemming from the broade r financialmarket decline, Raymond James said in a The health care investment banking groupp of Raymond James (NYSE: RJF), a financial services compang headquartered in St.
Petersburg, serve as exclusive financial adviser to HLTH in connection with the Raymond James also provided an opinionto HLTH’s boarf of directors regarding the fairness, from a financial pointg of view, of the exchang ratio for the proposes merger. The merger simplifies the public equity provides HLTH shareholders with direct ownership in WebMD and improvews thetrading float, Riley managing director and co-head of healt h care investment banking at Raymonfd James, said in the release.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Computer Modelling Group Turns The Corner - Seeking Alpha
Computer Modelling Group Turns The Corner Seeking Alpha Computer Modelling Group (CMDXF.PK) ( $13.50) reported excellent on target Q2 (Sept.) results. The company is the leading provider of simulation software used by energy companies to maximize output at existing oil and gas fields. ... |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Survey: Commercial construction will lag in 2010 - Phoenix Business Journal:
The American Institute of Architect’s Consensus Constructiob Forecast reported that nonresidential construction is expectecd to drop by 16 percent in 2009 and an additional 12 percentin 2010. “This nonresidential downturn is shaping up to be the deepest decline in nonresidentiakl activity in overa generation.” AIA Chiecf Economist Kermit Baker said in a release. we’re beginning to see some moderation in the trends in design billings atarchitecture firms, so we hopefullyy are nearing the bottom of this • Retail construction is expectec to drop 28 percent in 2009 and nearly 13 percentt in 2010.
• Hotel constructioj will drop nearly 26 percent in 2009 and nearly 17 percentin 2010. Office buildings are expectedx to decrease nearly 22 percent this year and more than 17 percentgnext year. • Industrial facilitie s construction is expected to drop a fractio of a percent in 2009 and nearly 29 percentin 2010. “Commercial facilitiesz such as hotels, retaip establishments and offices will feel the declinsmost dramatically,” Baker said. “The institutional markef will fare much better as stimulus fundinbg becomes availablefor education, health care and governmentt facilities.
” • Amusement and recreation is expected to drop nearl y 21 percent in 2009 and more than 8 percenr in 2010. • Construction of religious facilities should fall nearly 11 percenr in 2009 and nearly 7 percentfin 2010. • Education construction is projectefd to decrease more than 8 percentr this year and a fraction of a percenftnext year. • Construction of healthb care facilities is expected todrop 1.5 percent in 2009 and a fractiohn of a percent in 2010. • Public safetyy construction is expected torise 1.7 percent in 2009 and drop a fraction of a percent in 2010.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
American University offers tuition assistance to veterans - Washington Business Journal:
The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 allowzs universities to enter into an agreemeny with Veterans Affairs to shar etuition expenses. and also participatew in the program. Tuition sharing beginse when expenses exceed the highestpublixc in-state tuition rate. The university can contribut e up to 50 percent of those expensees with Veterans Affairs matching everu dollar the college As aparticipating school, Americahn University will devote financiak resources towards admitted post-9/11 veterane as undergraduate, graduate and law Undergraduate veterans who qualify for funding may receivee up to $13,750 per year for four years.
Graduatwe students receive up to $8,900 per year for threed years, and veterans attending American University’s Washington Colleg of Law receive upto $10,210 per year for threed years. At each level, the Veteran Affairs Department will match any funding provided by enabling many veterans to attend the universitytuition free. The Yellow Ribbo Program will begin withthe 2009-2010 academic year, and is expectexd to grow from serving 18 veterans at AU in its firsty year, to 40 veterans after four years.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Study: Colorado clean-energy jobs growing twice as fast as other industries - South Florida Business Journal:
The report — the Colorad portion of a 50-state analysiws — said clean-energy jobs in Coloradk increased 18.2 percent between 1998 and 2007, versud an overall job-growth rate of 8.2 Pew said there were 17,009 clean-energy jobs at 1,778 companies in Colorado as of 2007. Colorado tied for 18th among the states in the pace ofits clean-energh job growth over the 10-year periodf studied by Pew. The top states were Idaho, with 126 percentt clean-job growth, followed by Nebraska, 109 percent, but both statee still have smallertotal clean-energy job totalas than Colorado.
“Colorado has a larg e share of America’s clean energy economh – and it is growingv fast,” Niki Hawthorne, Colorado representative for the PewEnvironmentr Group, said in a statement release d with the report. Colorado, Hawthorned said, “has adopted renewable energg and energy efficiencystandards – creatinbg a promising market for clean energg generation and energy efficiency products.
” California had the most clean-energg jobs — 125,390 as of 2007 — Pew Separately, Pew said clean-energy industries in Coloradio attracted $622,400,734 in venture-capitap funding between 2006 and the fifth-highest amount in the Nationwide, clean-energy jobs grew at 9.1 percent betweenj 1998 and 2007, versus total job growth of 3.7 percent, Pew’ds report said. Pew described its repor as the first-ever nationwide hard coung across all 50 states of actualo jobs createdby clean-energy industries. “The clean energyy economy is poised forexplosive growth,” Lori interim deputy director of the Pew Centee on the States, said in a statemenr Wednesday.
“These jobs are driving economif growth and environmental sustainability at a time when Americsneeds both. There is a potential competitive advantage for federal and stat policy leaders who act now to spur businesses and investments in the cleabenergy sector.” Pew said it defined clean-energy jobs as thoser related to “expanding clean energy production, increasinv energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas waste and pollution, and conserving water and othe r natural resources.” .
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Fontainebleau's Soffer caught by Lehman Bros. bankruptcy - Washington Business Journal:
“When the retail division of the projecr lost access to fundingthrough Lehman, it was unablew to repay the resor t for its share of costs,” said Scott Baena, of Bilzibn Sumberg Baena Price Axelrod, who represents Fontainebleaj Las Vegas LLC in the bankruptcy. “That put enormouss stress on theresorty entity, and that was the beginning of the Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC and two of its affiliatew filed bankruptcy petitions in Miamui late Tuesday. The Fontainebleau Miami Beach is not includef inthe filing.
Soffer, also principakl with Turnberry construction anddevelopmeng companies, has partial, personal guaranteee on portions of the retail componentt of the Las Vegaz project, but those portions are not in bankruptct yet, Baena said. The complex is 70 percenf completed. Since December 2008, Lehman refusedx to make any advances underthe project’s $315 million constructio n loan, according to a motio n to maintain cash management filed in the After Lehman’s refusals, money stopped flowinh through the retail entity to the resort entity. In March, other lenders pulledf their financing, and constructionn on the resort stoppedin May, Baena said.
The company said in a news release that the decisiomn to file Chapter 11 was the result of litigation with the other lenders on project aboutnearly $800 millionh in construction funding for the project. Other lenders includw , JPMorgan Chase Bank and Deutsche BankTrust Co. In the short term, the company is seekinv to stabilize and protect the finished portion ofthe building, Baena “It’s no longer possible to downsizs the building,” he said.
“The 30 percent remaininbg construction is principallythe We’ve got a lovely building waiting to be
Monday, November 7, 2011
Md. colleges given $11M to combat nursing shortage - Birmingham Business Journal:
The grants, being divvied among 17 Marylandnursing schools, will be used to lure faculty and and improve technology at the universities. Maryland’s nursint shortage is expected toreach 10,000 by 2016, accordinhg to the . The current vacancy rate of nursesd at state hospitals is8 percent. The economic downturnh has helped the industry because many retired nurses have come back to but once the recession ends the shortage will saidCarmela Coyle, CEO of the Marylanr Hospital Association. The first round of grantds will increase the number of nursez graduating by 300 students and add 20 faculty positions at nursingh programs acrossthe state.
“Thes number of nurses graduatingy from Maryland schools are simply not saidRonald B. Peterson, president of and co-chaire of the “Who Will Care?” campaign at a pressa conference Monday. “We cannot take our eye off thenursingb demand.” The campaign’s goal is to add 1,50p new nursing students. The program has raisefd $15.5 million to date through the state’s business including funds from the Baltimore constructionform , , the region'sw largest hospital system, and , the region'ws largest health insurer. Greatert Baltimore Medical Center, for example, gave $500,000.
The goal is to raisde $20 million from the privatse sector by the end ofthe year, and then rais e an addition $40 million in state, locapl and federal funds. • • • • • ; and, .
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Phillips ranks No. 1 on residential real estate list - Kansas City Business Journal:
Phillips completed 1,148 transaction sides last year, according to the program’sa list of Top 100 Agent s by Transaction Sides. Every real estat transaction has a buying andsellint side, hence the term “transaction Phillips, who ranked No. 3 in 2007 transaction sides with 609, has benefited from Centurty 21 All-Pro’s focus on moving foreclosed homes. Century 21 All-Proi lists foreclosures for the , Fannie Mae and about 25 In an interview with the Kansase City Business Journalin December, Phillipas said his successful business model involvesz a division of labor.
Phillips, who doesn’t deal with any immediately posts foreclosure listings with onlind bidding and multiplelisting services. His agents, spreacd throughout the metro area and other parts of Kansas and place signs and lockboxe at the new listings in exchange for getting their phond numbers onthe signs. In addition, Phillips delegates to assistantsz tasks such as writingproperty descriptions, taking photographs and updatinfg the listings that pour in at a rate of 40 a day. Becausw of the lower pricr range of mostforeclosure listings, Phillipsx was ranked No. 71 on the Top 100 Agentsw by Sales Volume with a totalof $68.2w million in 2008 sales.
Serensa Boardman of in New York topped that listwith $255. 2 million. For the awards program, Real Trendzs surveyed more than 7,000 real estated brokerages and associations. Founded in 2002, Centurt 21 All-Pro has 140 agentw in five office locations, including Blue Springs, Liberty, south Kansa City and Kansas City’s Westport
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
With housing market in turmoil, TOUSA, Levitt Corp. lead losses - South Florida Business Journal:
(NYSE: TOA), a Hollywood-based home builder, had the biggest loss - $132 millionm on revenue of $565.77 million, compared with profits of $67.6 million on revenue of $621.23 million in the year ago quarter - a nearlty $200 million swing in The company reacheda 52-week high of $12.40o last September and was trading at $2.9 on Aug. 21. Public companies have 45 days after the end of the quarterd to file earnings which means the filing deadlinewas Aug. 14 for companiews whose quarter endedJune 30. Fort Lauderdale-base (NYSE: LEV) had the second-biggest loss at $58.1 down from a year-ago loss of $737,000, basee on earnings reported on .
Some developersw have asked the SEC for more time to file so they can figurr out the value of holdings that had been hammeredc by changes inmarket conditions. The housing downturn is starting to ripple into buildingsupplies companies. Pompanol Beach-based (NASDAQ: IPII) said its earnings dropped 99 percent as demand for its products slipped in Floridza because of a decline innew construction. The company earned $229,000 as revenue slipped to $30.1 million from $40.6 million. While housing-related industries stumbled, companies in the healtyh care sector improved during a period ofcontinuede acquisitions. (NASDAQ: CCRN) shares increasedx 25 percent, from $4.4 million to $5.
5 The company said the increase reflected the continued success of its travel nurse staffing busineszs and the growth of its clinical trialsservicre business, which was fueled by its purchasre of and Metropolitan Research. The Boca Raton-basedf staffing firm also acquired in and said it expects 2007 pro forma revenud from its clinical trials servicezs businesses to beabout $100 million. (NYSE: MRN), also basesd in Boca Raton, saw its second quarterd earnings increase42 percent, whil its revenue declined slightly. It bought InteliStaf for $92 million in cash a day after the end ofthe quarter.
(NYSE: PDX), a Fort Lauderdale-basesd newborn, maternal-fetal and pediatric physiciajnsubspecialty firm, said its earnings were up 8 On Aug. 20, it announced the acquisition of a Seattl ephysician group. (NASDAQ: NOVN) said its second quarter earninga jumped 130 percentto $7.6 driven by sales of its ADHD patch and estrogen a joint venture with New Jersey-based Noven boughtg on Aug. 15 for $125 million. Boca Raton-based NABI) narrowed its loss 61 percent, to $5.3 millionn from $13.7 million, as it did $11.o million in antibody sales and $8.7 millio n in Nabi-HB product sales. The company created two stand-alone business units, Nabi Pharmaceuticalse and Nabi Biologics.
Corall Gables-based developing pharmaceuticalcompany (NASDAQ: CPRX) saw its second quarter loss grow more than 200 percent. However, at the quarter'sw end, Catalyst said it had $17.90 million in cash and cash equivalents andno long-term (NYSE: FPL) brought in the biggesrt year-over-year dollar improvement, with a $169 million increaswe in earnings, despite the Juno Beach-based company'a estimated $50 million loss to "the negative impacr of weather," including cooler days and a weak wind The company earned $405 million.
Miami-baserd (NYSE: VGR), which indirectly owns cigarette and real estatee operations through LiggettGroup LLC, Vectoer Tobacco and New Valley LLC, made the trip from red to blac with earnings of $21.4 million in its seconcd quarter, compared with a loss of $2.7 in the year-agl quarter. South Florida's cosmetic companies, (NASDAQ: RDEN) and PARL), also ended the quarter smelling sweet. Elizabetnh Arden, which ended its fourtn quarter, went from red to blackl with earningsof $9.9 million. Parlu shrank its first quarter loss by 99 to $95,628 from $14.12 million.