Monday, October 31, 2011

Nathans extends lease in Georgetown - Washington Business Journal:
The restaurant, positioned at the bustling cornetr of M Street andWisconsin Avenue, just signecd an open-ended, month-to-month lease extension to stay put while the buildinfg stays on the market. The lease “could go on unti they sell the building,” said Carol Joynt, a formed TV producer who inherited the iconic restaurant after her husband diedin 1997. “Wd go with the flow. If a new owner wantd us, we are there. If they don’t want us, we Her lease at 3150 M St. NW was up April 15, so it was a matterr of time until the restaurant woule have had to she said.
The Heon family, which has owned the propert for decades, has turned to associate Josh Feldman to listit formally. The 6,662-square-foot property is being marketed without alist price. “Over 100 people have talkedc to me aboutinterest [in the from all over the country and D.C.,” said “We are looking at 15 to 20 offerds in terms of what will come A call for offers will not be untilp June 15, he said. Joynt said an undisclosed partyh approached the restaurant three weeks ago with interest in purchasing the building and convertingy the bottomfloor -- wherr Nathans sits -- into retail space and movinv the eatery up to the top two floorxs to do a sky bar.
“I think it’ws a great idea,” said “I said they have got to sell it to the Advisorty Neighborhood Commission and the Citizens Associationof Joynt, who candidly interviews notabl people for the public access show “Q&Aw Cafe” on site at Nathans, is expectin Jane Stanton Hitchcock, author of the murder mystery book “Mortal on July 9. Joynt sent a mass e-mail Tuesday to announcse the lease extension, noting that customer trafficd is crucial since summer months can be tougjhon D.C.’s restaurant industry. “Ift business doesn’t pick up, my options and shockingly fast,” she wrote.

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