Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Veolia donates $1.5M for water research - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

million in funding for a 10-year researchj and development program aimed at improving water quality in the Grear Lakes watershed and cuttingy greenhousegas emissions. Veoliaw Water is joining with atthe , and the on the Rebecca Klaper, a scientist with the Greay Lakes WATER Institute, will lead a project to study the existencee of pharmaceuticals in watersheds and their potentia elimination through wastewater treatment; Dan an associate professor of Marquette University, will lead a studg that will focus on process improvements in wastewater treatment that can reducs solid wastes and increasw the availability of methane gas as an alternatived energy source; Jim Waples, a scientist at the Great Lakesa WATER Institute, will lead a project to understanc how nutrients are transported from a watershed to a riverf and how climate and land use can affect this The research will determine sourcews and quantities for phosphorous, which can causd algal blooms and odor issues in waterwayds and on beaches, entering the Milwaukes watershed and its path of flow into Lake “As new residuals, such as pharmaceuticals, are detectedr in the earth’s waters, it is critical that we understanf their presence and pursuee cutting-edge processes to remove them," said Chibby Alloway, chief technology officee of Veolia Water Northb America.
"The research body aims for important improvements in alternatives energy and green housegas reduction, as well as waterd quality improvements in watersheds that will enhance the quality of life for many Even in the currenft global economy, R&D investment must continue to be made.” Unde a contract with MMSD that represents the nation'd largest public-private partnership, Veoliaq Water North America operates and maintainsx Milwaukee’s Jones Island and South Shore treatmen t water reclamation facilities. The two wastewater treatment plants have a combined processinf capacity of 630 million gallonseper day.

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