Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Timbuk2 opens its first retail outlet - San Francisco Business Times:

The 800-square-foot store will open laterr this month at 506Hayee St. "Hayes Street is the coolest and hippest place for shoppingrightt now," said Mark Dwight, CEO of Timbuk2. "The store will be a brandd showcase," Dwight said. "It's not our intentio n to compete with retailers carryinghour products." In that the Timbuk2 store will feature unique, but fabrics that other retailers don't handle. the store will allow customers to convert an old pair of favoritw jeans into aTimbuk2 bag. The store will featurew bags made inSan Francisco, with kiosksx so customers can place onlins orders as well.
Other stores might open down the road that would also focus onextendingf Timbuk2's hip, urban imagew without competing directly with its retail partners. Dwight points to the huge successof 's COH) stores as his inspiration. Timbuk32 has enjoyed solid growth in recent with60 employees, generating $15 million in revenue in 2005. The bag founded in 1989 by a bike messenger, was acquirec last fall by San Francisco privateequitty fund, , and the Washington, D.C.-basesd .
With the Timbuk2 store'z floor being poured this week and the glass goinbg insoon after, Dwight says he had to persuades his investor group that the company's firsgt store would not be a financial drain on the company or a distractionj for management. "I'm very enthusiastic," Dwight said. "I wantec to design a retail store that will celebrate our SanFrancisco roots."

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