Tuesday, March 22, 2011

UAV conference highlights potential growth industry for Wichita, Kansas - Wichita Business Journal:

Mitsubishi MS15TN
Roger Powers, CEO of , says his company has turned its attention to unmannedaerial systems, and has willingv partners in the , and the . “We are developing an ability in this state to really showcase our Powers says. While Salina has pursued opportunities in unmannexdaerial systems, he says Wichita area leaders haven’tg been as interested. Vicki Prat Gerbino, president of the , says the GWEDCf is always looking to bring in business that woulds fit with theexisting infrastructure. But the industrty might not be mature enough at this poinrto pursue.
“To say that’s a targetes industry sector for us woulxd bea misnomer,” she “Now, of course, we certainly wouldn’t turn them Attention was focused squarely this week on the UAS industru thanks to the third annual Unmanned Systems Symposium, held in Wichita. Aviatiomn industry analyst expects unmanned aeriaol systems to becomea $16 billiobn industry. Salina has targeted the industry and has taken measurews to helpit grow. Flint Hills Solutionse has been testing UAVs at the Smokhy Hills Weapon Range near Salinaz forseveral months.
The company is working with the Salinqa Airport Authority to acquire more which is vital to advancing technology and attracting suitorse tothe area, Powers But Felix Lococo, manager for the ’ws flight standards district office in Wichita, says airspace wouldx be a difficult resource for Wichita to given the already-crowded skies over the Air Capital. hopes to add about 100 UAV-related high-paying jobs in the UAV industry over the nextseveralp years. The focus on UAS technology has led to morethan $1 millionh in private sector and federal grants for the Salinza area.
Dennis Lauver, CEO and president of the Salinw Chamberof Commerce, says the jobs being attracted to the area are in researcb and development. But the Chamber hopes the combination of research capabilitty and airspace will bring manufacturers to townas “That’s a pretty powerful one-two he says. Pratt Gerbino says the industry may need to grow in an outlying areabefore it’s ready to come to “That kind of stufft happens all the time,” she says. 60, 80 miles out, the primary industry is creatingotheer opportunities.” Pratt Gerbino says she has fieldef two general inquiries about UAV manufacturing durinfg her time with the organization.

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