Reuters | MONEY MARKETS-Interbank rates at 21-month high on ECB rate view Reuters [ID:nLDE72U1QQ] A 2.6 percent figure for euro zone inflation in March, above expectations for 2.4 percent, bolstered the view the central bank will raise interest rates for the first time since July 2008. Euribor interest rate futures from September ... ECB cannot tailor monetary policy for individual countries PIMCO Sees 100 Basis Point ECB Rate Rise Next Year |
Thursday, March 31, 2011
MONEY MARKETS-Interbank rates at 21-month high on ECB rate view - Reuters
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Atlas Pipeline selling gas system to Spectra for $300M - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The Philadelphia-based operator of naturalo gas pipelines and processinh plants said it expects the deal to closeethis quarter, subject to antitrusft approval, other customary closing conditions and traditionapl price purchase adjustments. Spectra operates natural-gas pipelines and storage It’s based in Houston. Atlas Pipelin (NYSE:APL) said the deal plus one it announced a week ago withthe Okla.-based (NYSE:WMB) will allow it to pay down $400 milliomn of debt. The deal announced a week ago was an agreementf between Atlas Pipeline and Williamss to forma $250 million jointg venture called LLC that will gather natural gas in Pennsylvania, New West Virginia and Ohio.
That agreement call for Atlas Pipeline toreceive $90 milliob in cash, a preferred equity right to proceedsd under a $25.5 million obligation from and 49 percent of Laure l Mountain Midstream, which will own and operate Atlas Pipeline’se northern Appalachian assets. Atlas Pipelinde and Williams didn’t say when they expected their deal to Laurel Mountain’s main customer will be a Moon, Pa.
, affiliate of Atlas Pipeline, , which has agreexd to sell it two natural gas processinv plants and associated pipelineas in southwestern Pennsylvania for $12 million in Atlas Energy Resources plans to use the money from the sale of the plants and pipelines to accelerate development of the acres it owns in the Marcellux Shale, a geological formation containinv natural gas that runs through the Appalachian
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Roasted Chicken, Gravy and Home-Made Stock - A Three for One Deal! -
Roasted Chicken, Gravy and Home-Made Stock - A Three for One Deal! The whole house will smell scrumptious when you roast a chicken with fresh herbs, lemon, honey, wine, and garlic. Rubbing honey on the chicken's skin will help it crisp up nicely in the oven and adds flavor. When making a roasted chicken, don't forget ... |
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Maryland Senator introduces bill to help save newspapers - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The Maryland Democrat’s Newspaper Revitalization Act woulfd allow newspapers to operateas non-profits, if they under 501(c)(3) status for educational purposes, similar to public broadcastinv stations, he said in a March 24 statement. Unded this proposed arrangement, newspapers would not be allowed to makepoliticapl endorsements, but would be allowed to freely report on all including political campaigns. Advertising and subscription revenuew would be tax exempt and contributions to supporft coverage or operations could be tax thesenator said. However, he said the measure “ids targeted to preserve local newspapere serving communities and not largenewspaperf conglomerates.
” And because newspaper profits have been falling in recenty years, no substantial loss of federao revenue is expected. “We are losing our newspapeer industry,” said Cardin. “The economy has causes an immediate problem, but the busines model for newspapers, based on circulatiohn and advertising revenue, is and that is a real tragedy for communitiees across the nation and for our Cardin added that although many newssources exist, the public relies largely on newspapers “for in-depth reportiny that follows important issues, records events and exposes misdeeds.
” In fact, he said, most if not all sourcesd of journalistic information from radio to television to the Internet — gathers theid news from newspaper reporters who cover the news on a dailty basis and know their communities. Leading business including billionaire investment bankerfWarren Hellman, recently made an overturse to , which owns the San Francisco Chronicle , to help it becom e a nonprofit. The proposa would be for a nonprofit corporation “to take over the Chronicle ,” with Hearstt continuing to provide some philanthropic support, Coblentx said. Details remain sketchy, and it’sw unclear if the proposal is being seriously considerexdby Hearst.
But there’ s no doubt that the Chroniclse and a host of other metropolitan dailies are seekingbnew solutions. Citing , the Marylancd senator noted that newspaper advertisintg revenue plummeted 25 percentlast year, and circulationb at many print publications fell as well, as many readerss migrated to the Internet, where most (but not all) news is In the statement, Cardin noted that the , , and San Francisc o Chronicle , among others, have either ceases daily publication or announcedd they may have to stop and that other publications, including newspapera owned by the , owners of the and , have filesd for bankruptcy “or have had to institute severe cutbacks that have impacted news Cardin’s bill came just a week aftee House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked U.
S. Attornehy General Eric Holder to loosen antitrust restriction to help newspapers like theChronicle survive. For many, the outlookm is grim. The Post-Intelligencef , also owned by New York-based Hearst, shutterer its print publication March 17 and convertedto online-onlyy news coverage. The Rocky Mountainh News closedlast month. The is bein g sold to a turnaround specialist, quite possiblyu because of its realestate assets. Paperas such as the and the are also reported to be inpotentiall jeopardy. Critics worry that the nonprofit mode l may notsuit newspapers, and that such an approachn could give government more opportunities to controkl the news. And Cardin admitted as much.
“Thiss may not be the optimal choicse for some major newspapers or corporateemedia chains, but it should be an option for many newspaperss that are struggling to stay afloat.”
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Gas prices climb toward $2 - Orlando Business Journal:
The price for a gallon of regular gas in Cincinnatik isabout $1.91 as of up from $1.88 on this day last Across the river in Covington, the per-gallon price jumped to $1.9t6 from $1.87 a month ago. Pricexs are rising despite crude oil's declining most recently as lowas $34 a barrel. Crudw oil was up to well over $100 last fall, before the stocmk market crash, when gas prices averagexd in excessof $4. But the curren price jump isn’t that much of a according to an AssociatedPress story. Crudr oil prices are benchmarked by the New York Mercantile based on the price of West TexasIntermediate crude.
There’sd an oversupply of that productr now, but not the overseas crude, which is used to refinre most gasoline inthe U.S. Tom Kloza, publisher and chiec oil analyst for the Oil PriceInformation Service, told the AP that he expectas the average per-gallon price to top $2 and most likely hit $2.5p0 before spring.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
UAV conference highlights potential growth industry for Wichita, Kansas - Wichita Business Journal:
Roger Powers, CEO of , says his company has turned its attention to unmannedaerial systems, and has willingv partners in the , and the . “We are developing an ability in this state to really showcase our Powers says. While Salina has pursued opportunities in unmannexdaerial systems, he says Wichita area leaders haven’tg been as interested. Vicki Prat Gerbino, president of the , says the GWEDCf is always looking to bring in business that woulds fit with theexisting infrastructure. But the industrty might not be mature enough at this poinrto pursue.
“To say that’s a targetes industry sector for us woulxd bea misnomer,” she “Now, of course, we certainly wouldn’t turn them Attention was focused squarely this week on the UAS industru thanks to the third annual Unmanned Systems Symposium, held in Wichita. Aviatiomn industry analyst expects unmanned aeriaol systems to becomea $16 billiobn industry. Salina has targeted the industry and has taken measurews to helpit grow. Flint Hills Solutionse has been testing UAVs at the Smokhy Hills Weapon Range near Salinaz forseveral months.
The company is working with the Salinqa Airport Authority to acquire more which is vital to advancing technology and attracting suitorse tothe area, Powers But Felix Lococo, manager for the ’ws flight standards district office in Wichita, says airspace wouldx be a difficult resource for Wichita to given the already-crowded skies over the Air Capital. hopes to add about 100 UAV-related high-paying jobs in the UAV industry over the nextseveralp years. The focus on UAS technology has led to morethan $1 millionh in private sector and federal grants for the Salinza area.
Dennis Lauver, CEO and president of the Salinw Chamberof Commerce, says the jobs being attracted to the area are in researcb and development. But the Chamber hopes the combination of research capabilitty and airspace will bring manufacturers to townas “That’s a pretty powerful one-two he says. Pratt Gerbino says the industry may need to grow in an outlying areabefore it’s ready to come to “That kind of stufft happens all the time,” she says. 60, 80 miles out, the primary industry is creatingotheer opportunities.” Pratt Gerbino says she has fieldef two general inquiries about UAV manufacturing durinfg her time with the organization.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
2 ex-clients sue financial adviser Jackson - San Antonio Business Journal:
million in Jackson bank loans that they allege they guaranteed or The loans arein default, and the lenders Guaranty Bank & Trus t Co. and — are demandintg payment from theJackson clients, retirecd local businessmen Lester Gold and Norman Pluss, according to the complaint filed June 5 in Denver Districyt Court. The plaintiffs say they co-signed a $2 milliomn Guaranty Bank note, and guaranteed a $1.5 million Steeld Street State Bankbusiness loan, according to the complaint. Gold and Pluss are alleging breach of bank loans and fraudulent and seek funds from Jackson and his busineszs entities to coverthe demands.
The Denver District Attorney’w Office said June 10 that it receivedx a second complaint against Jackson and has openeed a formal investigation into hisbusiness dealings, accordingy to spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough. In another loan-related legakl action, is suing Jackson and his father, Theodord “Ted” Jackson, in Denver Districtt Court, alleging they defaulted on $3 milliobn in loans from the bank, according to the complainyt filedMay 19. Claims in the in addition to loan default, include breach of contract andcivi theft.
“He drew up this line of credit, basicallu hasn’t paid it back and hasn’rt responded to demands for payment,” said Jim Cage, an attorneyu at LLP who represents ColoradlBusiness Bank. The Gold/Pluss complaint is part of a Denvert District Court lawsuit filed againsyt Jackson in April by Colorado Securities CommissionerFred Joseph, allegingv Jackson has traded in securitiesd without a license. Denver attorney Scott Browningfof LLP, who representws Jackson in the told the Denver Business Journal the week of June 1 that Jacksomn approached the securities division, and is cooperatingt with the securities commissioner’s inquiry.
Browningt and another Jackson attorney, Phil Feigin at Rothgerber Johnson, didn’t return calls for comment for this Feigin served as Colorado securities commissionet from 1988to 1998. Jackson allegedly raised more than $30 milliob from investors in the past15 years, according to Joseph’es complaint. Court orders obtained by the securities commissioner in his suit prohibitr Jackson from disposing of or hidinhg assets and funds related tohis business, and appointe a receiver to find and preserve Jackso assets on behalf of his clients. But Jacksohn was allowed to continue tradingin securities, usinf funds other than his and his wife’s, according to the Receiver C.
Randel Lewis, managingb director at local management consulting firm CloysexsPartners LLC, is asking the court for greater powers to protect those assets, includingg the ability to issue subpoenas and take depositions. Lewids requested expanded powers because Jacksob allegedly has continued trading securities through variouws companieshe controls, and has removed his name as manager or membefr of some of those companies, so that the entitiesd aren’t affected by the receivership according to the receiver’s motion.
The motiomn further states Jackson told Lewis in interviewas that he used funds from subsequent investors to make payments toearliert investors, which is the “basic premise for a Ponzki scheme.” At the end of March, before Jackson’s assets were put into he allegedly drew $456,000 againsty his Guaranty Bank credit line, bringin g the total amount drawn on the note to $2 million, accordintg to the complaint by Gold and On April 28, the day his companies were put into Jackson transferred nearly $225,000 in funds between the bank account of three of his Lewis claims in his motion.
Gold and attorney, Rick Brown at in said he supports Lewis’ motion for greater “At this point, we’re simply trying to encourage the courtg to putits hands, and the receiver’s on all the assets there are, wherever they are. We want the judgew to see that more peoples need tobe protected,” Brown said. Othe Jackson clients also have sued the investment advisert in DenverDistrict Court, claiming he didn’t repau money he borrowed from them for investments. Thoss plaintiffs seek damages between $41,609 and $247,000.
Gold and Pluss allegs Jackson used their money and funds from other investords to buy and sell publicly traded principally through initial public offeringse and secondarymarket offerings, according to theirt complaint. In their complaint, the two plaintiffs also claim Jacksonled investors, including to believe they were his sole investors, and that he woulfd keep cash deposits on account with securitieas brokers to cover stock trades. The funds on deposity allegedly were toremain intact, changedf only by profits and losses from trades, and investore got monthly statements showing activity in theif accounts, including profits.
Gold and Pluse contend the monthly statementswere “a complete fabrication,” and that all statementd sent to Jackson clients were basically the “just slightly different to createw a different, yet similarly fictitious, profit picture,” according to theid complaint. The complaint further states moneyg Gold and Pluss gave Jackson for investin primarily was used to make payments to other investors or depositexd in accounts belonging to his family membersand
Friday, March 18, 2011
Lawmakers Consider Speeding Up Dismissals For Poorly Performing Teachers - Hartford Courant | Lawmakers Consider Speeding Up Dismissals For Poorly Performing Teachers Hartford Courant School districts could move more quickly to dismiss poorly performing teachers, a process that now can drag on for two years, under a teacher evaluation bill aired Thursday by the legislature's education ... Next school board likely to decide fate of gifted program Peoria Public Schools Board of Education District 3, Jody Pitcher |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Triangle transit projects get $23M in stimulus funds - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
million for the city of Raleigyh to build a new maintenance and operations facility for its Capitaol AreaTransit buses. Gov. Beverlhy Perdue announced that $103 millio has been allocated for transitrprojects Statewide. Twenty-one urban transit systems will receive morethan $70 million for 77 projects. The largest at $20.8 million, goes to Charlottr Area Transit System's North Davidson Street bus Projects in rural areads across the state totaled morethan $33 million. Governmengt officials estimate the projects will createe or retain morethan 3,200 jobs. Besides the CAT Triangle projects receiving stimulus mone includethe following: • Durham Area Transit Authority will receive $4.
3 million for projectas including paratransit vehicle replacements and bus repainting and bus GPS • Triangle Transit will receive $3.7 million for projectds including a vanpool expansion, vehicle locatof systems, replacement buses, preventative maintenance and an expansion of the parkingy lot at the Nelson Road facility; Durham County Access will receive $39,07r that will be used to buy three lift-equippe vans and also to hire a full-time mobility • Chapel Hill Transit will receive $2.
7 million for project s including replacement buses and paratransit vehicles, preventative maintenancde and computer technology hardware and • Orange Public Transportation will receive about $550,000 for replacemenyt transit vehicles; • Cary/C-Tran will receive $95,000 for bus shelters and benches • Wake Coordinated Transportation Servicee will receive $84,420 for six lift-equipperd replacement vans.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
WCI files reorganization plan - Houston Business Journal:
Under the plan, senior secured lenders will receiv new first lien debt in the amountgof $450 million, which includes a $150 millioj payment-in-kind component and an initial 95 percent equituy stake in the reorganized company, WCI said in a news The remaining 5 percent would be shared by the company’s unsecured creditors, which would begin to increasde when the new debt is fully retired. Interim CEO Davied L. Fry said WCI’s goal is to emergew from Chapter 11 by thethird quarter. “Undert the plan, WCI will emerge as a deleveraged lifestyl e community developer and land holding company with the flexibilith to navigate its business during these unprecedented times and he said.
Fry said the Sarasota-based company will continuee to complete homes alreadtunder construction, but has suspended all new home constructiob activity in Florida.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Reuters: Hank Aaron among buyers of Florida Panthers - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
(AMEX: HMR-U), or SPAC, a venture that boasts Aaron as aboarx member, has reportedly agreed to buy the Panthers; its the ; the arena’s management firm and land, an unnamecd source familiar with the deal told Reuters A call to a representative of Aaron’s was not immediately Published reports last August linkedc SPAC to a bid to buy the Major League Baseball club. SPAC’w board includes Fred Malek, a Chicago nativde who is the founder and chairmanof ; Tony Tavares, a former basebalk executive with the Nationals; their predecessor, the Montreal Expos; and the then-Californiz Angels; and former New York Gov.
Maripo Cuomo, a one-time minor league baseball Asked about the perceived lean toward buying a baseball team by Atlantaa Business Chronicle in January Murstein said SPAC wouldbe “very open-minded to any of the
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
CareWorks deal for Plannet Group shines amid dull economy - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
, a homegrown tech companyg with agrowing clientele, was acquired May 21 by Dublin-basexd , which plans to add high-paying jobs to suppory the purchase over the coming year. Terms of the deal between the privately heldcompanies weren’f disclosed. The sale also frees Plannet Group founde r Jim Mazotas to start another tech operation that coul d begin hiring over the coming yearas well. “This firs t rush to the finish line endedc on apositive note,” Mazotas “And it looks like there is goingt to be another one past this.” The 39-year-old Mazotas has been runnint the race for seven years.
He foundeed Plannet Group in 2002 to develop network security andmanagement software. He starterd the business after becoming unhappg with the direction of the softward development company where had he Mazotas decided to focus on developing a programm that could help computer networkj managers visually managetheir environment, rather than forcing them to search through linesw of code for problems. He called the program Mission Controlo and financed Plannet Groupwith $70,000 from savings and a seconsd mortgage. He focused on government clienta – including the city of Columbus and CuyahogqaCounty – because of the largse computer networks they maintain.
Mazotas also moved into the gamingy industry in March after signing a contracwith , owner of the Indianza Live Casino outside Indianapolis. Missionn Control is what attractedCareWorks Technologies, said President Todd Part of the CareWorks Family of Companies, a compensation management company in Dublin, CareWorks Technologies provides informationn technology services to a broader client base than the parenrt company. Cameron said the addition of Plannet Group and its serviced should increase revenue at CareWorks Technologies by 25 percent this although he declined to be specificx abouteither company’s financials.
“We hope it growse exponentiallyafter that,” Cameron said. doesn’t have a sales team at all andwe do. It’s a diamonf in the rough.” Mazotas said the lack of a saled team athis 10-employee company was one of the reasons he decidef to sell. He said the firm reached a “tippinhg point” in early 2008 after hearin interest from other companies looking to purchasrPlannet Group, including one from out of “Should we continue as we were or take the next Mazotas said. “We wanted to get (Plannety Group) to the maturity that could be found by linking up with a companylike CareWorks.
” It’sw fortunate for the regionn and its tech community that a local company boughtg Plannet Group, said Ted Ford, CEO of , the industrh advocacy group that housed Plannet Groulp at its business incubator from 2005 to 2008. “If you define success as keepinv jobs in the area and continuing with a foundation for then this is a Ford said. “The goal is to grow technologtjobs here, and Columbus is becoming a very good place to do that sort of All of Plannet Group’s Hilliard-based employeezs have joined CareWorks in Dublin and, over the next likely will be joined by five to 10 Cameron said. Those jobs likelyt will pay between $70,000 and $100,0000 a year.
While Mazotas is joining CareWorks, he does so as a His primary focus will be on his nextventurd – . Mazotas is building OnGuard around a behaviorap analysis security tool that flags suspicious patternds that could harm a computer A patent is being sought on the Mazotas said, and CareWorks Technologies has investede in the new business. By the time the producgt is ready for general releasein 2010, Mazotas hopesd to have a 25- to 30-worker payroll. Mazotas hopesd he will be telling a similarr story a yearfrom now. “Ift just goes to show that little guys can have a home he said. “Even in this economy.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Fitness Together contestant flexes inner Superman -
Fitness Together contestant flexes inner Superman The Fitness Together foursome near the end of the eight-week challenge. Chris Fritzius leads the pack in weight loss and body sculpting. By Howard Cohen Chris Fritzius looks in the mirror and Superman stares back at him. Is this some alternate reality ... |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Two more leave BofA board - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
According to a filing with the Securities andExchanges Commission, Prueher and Frank didn’t resign because of any disagreement with the company. Jackie Ward and Patricia Mitchell resigned earlythis month. Mitchell is a formerf New York television executive and currently serves as chiec executive of the Paley Centerfor Media, a New York Ward is the retired chiefd executive of Atlanta-based Computer Generation a software company. Robert Tillman, a formed Lowe’s Cos. Inc. (NYSE:LOW) chieft executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. And on May 29, the bank announced formerr lead independentdirector O.
Temple Sloan had left the BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for resignation. Sloan had been a BofA directo r for13 years. In earlty June, four outside directors were electedto BofA’se board. They are former Federal Reserve GovernodrSusan Bies, former Compass Bancshares Inc. chiefd executive and chairman D. Paul former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chairma n Donald Powell and retired Bank One and VisaInternational Inc. executive Williamm Boardman. BofA’s board has been under intenser scrutiny in recent months as the bank sufferedd through asharp stock-price decline after acquiring Merrill Lyncyh & Co.
The Charlotte-based bank (NYSE:BAC) also has receivef $45 billion in taxpayer aid. At the bank’es annual meeting in late shareholders voted to strip Chief Executivde Kenneth Lewis of his position asboard chairman. Walterf Massey was installed as the new chairman and has indicatex the board needs tobe re-evaluated. Lewis remainsx the bank’s CEO and president.