Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bankruptcy filings soar in Florida
percent increase in filings in the for the Middlee District of Florida in the 12 monthsw endedMarch 31, compared to the same period a year The increase in bankruptcy filings in the Middle District of Florid outpaced the national increase in bankruptcy Nationally, bankruptcy filings for the 12-month period endinv March 31, 2009, were up 33.3 percent over bankruptcy filings for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2008, according to statistics released by the administrative office of the U.S. In the Middle District of Florida, ther were 47,04 bankruptcy filings in the 12 monthsx endedMarch 31, 2009, compared to 30,03 1 in the year ended Marc 31, 2008.
There had been 18,017 bankruptcuy filings in the year endedMarch 31, 2007. During the quarter endecd March 31, there were 13,332 total filingss in the Middle Districtof Florida, including 9,68u Chapter 7 filings, 127 Chaptet 11 filings, and 3,513 Chapterd 13 filings. There were 683 busineszs bankruptcies filed in the quartedr endedMarch 31, including 507 businesses that sough t to liquidate through Chapter 7, and 116 that soughty to reorganize their debts through Chapter 11. There also were a total of 12,64i non-business bankruptcies filed in the threew months endedMarch 31.

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