Saturday, January 29, 2011
State senator wants to remove UC
In a release, Yee, who received his bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley, said that the Regentd of the system think theyare “aboves the law.” The University of California Office of the President shot back in its own saying that the system is one of the few agenciesx in government that is that it’s flourished under its autonomy, and that the salaries it pays to top leader s is below the national average for comparabld institutions. The state’s constitution guaranteed the regents autonomy on all issuex related to management of the systemsince 1879.
The proposed amendment, SCA 21, and its counterpar t on in theState Assembly, ACA 24, need two-thirdws approval from the legislature and then needs approval from state
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today's New Books - Left Eye On Books
Left Eye On Books | Today's New Books Left Eye On Books Media, Social Mobilisation and Mass Protests in Post-colonial Hong Kong: The Power of a Critical Event by Francis LF Lee and Joseph M. Chan (Powells) Posted ... |
Monday, January 24, 2011
Hezbollah Chooses Lebanon's Next Prime Minister - New York Times | Hezbollah Chooses Lebanon's Next Prime Minister New York Times Lebanese soldiers try to put out a fire lit by supporters of Lebanon's caretaker Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri in Beirut on Monday. By ANTHONY SHADID BEIRUT ... Hezbollah-backed Mikati set to lead Lebanon government Opposition Candidate Poised to be Next Lebanese PM Hezbollah, » |
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. Company Profile | HLX Company Information
Helix Energy Solutions Group is a unique member of the deepwateer offshoreenergy industry, serving as a world-class service providedr to energy producing companies while producing oil and gas from our own This two-stranded strategy sets Helix apart from our who typically elect to be either a servicw contractor or producer. The firsf strand of this strategy is comprised of our Contracting Servicewsbusiness units, including Subsea Construction, Canyon Well Ops and Helix RDS, providing services and methodologies criticaol to finding, developing and producing offshore oil and gas Oil and Gas Operations make up the seconx strand of our strategy.
From the originatiobn of a well, to drilling and production, and finallg plugging and abandonment, we focus on creating value at key points in the lifespabn ofa reservoir. Since our inception, Helicx has focused our collective efforts on executing thisbusinesx strategy, combining offshore construction services with oil and gas production Finding and developing our own offshore reservoirds gives Helix unparalleled experience and expertise in offshore energy production, which we share with our In addition, Helix shares the potentiap for risk and reward in fielxd developments by inviting other producers to partner with us on Our past successes and reputation for developmen expertise have made Helix a preferred partner on projects around the world.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Creative Loafing COO Kirk MacDonald heads back to Denver - Denver Business Journal:
MacDonald will take over as executive vice president for marketing and digital salese forthe , the one-tim partnership group that included the and until the latter folded last February, according to the Chicago Reade r . MacDonald joined Creative Loafing in 2006 after resigning as chief executivs officer of the Denver Newspaper Agency but continued to live in Denver instea of relocating toCreative Loafing’s headquarters in Tampa. In September 2008 he becamd publisher of the ChicagoReadere , relocating there, around the same time Creative Loafing fileed for protection from its creditors using Chapterd 11 in a Tampa bankruptcy court.
Creative Loafing’xs chief executive officer, Ben will temporarily take over the role of chiecfoperating officer. The company spent the first part of the year in a bitterd battlewith , which it owes $31 millio that was used to purchase the Chicago Reader and in the Districrt of Columbia in 2007. Atalaya had soughtf to gain control of the alternative weekluy newspaper publisher but lost that bid in Marchh when a judge in Tampa sided with Creative Loafing had until Tuesday to file any amendmentas to its most recent plan of organizationh filedMay 11.
Among the issuex addressed under thenew plan, a new group consistingv of — which Creative Loafing owed $10 million to just beforse the bankruptcy filing — and Easobn will purchase stock in a reorganized Creativee Loafing for $500,000 in cash as well as an in-kinxd contribution to lease 14,000 square feet of commercial space in Atlanta for six years valued at $196,000 annually that will be used for Creativr Loafing Atlanta Inc., according to bankruptcy court After that, $500,000 will be used to pay allowed administrative claimws and priority tax claims, while anothetr $1 million will be used for supplementa funding for Creative Loafing’s ongoinvg business.
Any remaining mone will be paid to thosee holdingspecific claims, including outstanding loans made to the company. Creativew Loafing has publicationsin Tampa, Sarasota, Atlanta, Washington and Charlotte, N.C. It claims a combined circulationof
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Big projects may get a little piece of stimulus package - Kansas City Business Journal:
Although the $775 billion plan is far from being set in as littleas $90 billio n may be spent on conventional infrastructure projectse such as roads and bridges, said Charlie Sunderland, CEO of in Overlancd Park. “And that’s over two years,” said immediate past chairman ofthe Chicago-based . “Tha t wouldn’t make much of a dent for our Brian McCarthy, CEO of the Portland Cement Association, said the Obamz administration was keeping details of the stimulus plan “prettty close to the vest.” “Butr I’ve heard the $90 billion figure, and I’ve hearx $180 billion,” he said.
When asked whether the association was planningv to lobbyfor more, Mc-Carthy said, “Ov course we are.” Discussion of the stimulusa plan comes at a time when local and statde money for public infrastructure is dwindling and the global economic crisis is choking off financingy for commercial projects. Annual U.S. sales of cement, the primaruy ingredient in concrete, are expected to fall to less than 90 millionn metric tons this year from a high of 130 millionm metric tonsin 2006, McCarthy said. As a result, he alread has heard of about a half-dozem recent closings among the roughlty100 U.S.
cement plants, and he said he expects “This is the biggest drop in termsw of demandthat we’ves seen, really, since the Depression,” Sunderland said. Founded in 1882, Ash Grovd Cement operates nine cementplants nationwide. In anticipation of a 12 percentf dropin U.S. cement demand this year, following a 13 percent drop in Ash Grove suspended productiohof clinker, which is ground to make Portlan d cement, at its plant in Inkom, About 45 of the plant’as 68 employees were laid off. “This stimulud package couldn’t come at a bettef time,” said Bill Clarkson Jr., vice president of both , a Kansasa City-based heavy constructor, and .
“Butt I hope Charlie (Sunderland) is wrong” about how much will be committedto infrastructure, Clarkson said. The Missouro and Kansas departments of transportation are nearinb the ends of their multiyear highwayfinancinhg plans, Clarkson said, and Missouri remains among the nation’s five worsty states in terms of bridge deficiencies. “There’sa also a lot of need on the Kansasd side,” Clarkson said. “Take U.S. 69 from I-435 north to 75th Street in Overland It’s in abysmal shape, and the traffic count has doublex within the last10 years.
” Ed DeSoignie, executive director of the , agreer that there was plenty of local demand, as evidenceds by a list of $781 millionj in ready-to-bid infrastructure projects recently compiled by officialas in Kansas City alone. Of course, that doesn’t includd the $2.5 billion in sewer improvements needed in Kansas City, DeSoignie said. U.S. Sen. Claire D-Mo., plans to help address that need by seeking atleast $25 billion in federal stimulus moneyu for water and sewer projects nationwide.
DeSoigniew said the latest he has heard from Washington is that the stimulus package will end up inthe $700 billion to $900 billio range and that it will be spli t roughly in thirds amonbg infrastructure, tax cuts, and aid to cities and state Medicaid Unfortunately for heavy constructors, DeSoignis said, the infrastructure piece may be split again among roadxs and bridges, water and sewer projects, green initiatives, even librart projects and information technology for hospitals.
He said the group hasn’r been given any numbers for the If traditional infrastructure is givenshort shrift, heavy constructor s will have another opportunity via the federal highwayy bill, which is up for reauthorizatiob in the fall. But Congress could put off the reauthorizatiom by passing continuing resolutions that hold spendingg to current orreduced levels. “They could put the wholes thing off while this stimulus money is outtherwe churning,” DeSoignie said.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Extra police force at railway stations - Times of India
Extra police force at railway stations Times of India ALLAHABAD: The security at Allahabad Junction and the adjoining small stations has been increased in view of Makar Sankranti on Friday. ... |
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Cashing in on aging boomers - Sacramento Business Journal:
“People wanted nothing to do with themature market,” said Maddy Dychtwald, seniotr vice president of the company in San Francisco. Now, the consumere products and servicesindustry can’t stop thinkiny about the mature market, especially since a baby boomer turnse 50 every 8½ seconds. At 78 million boomers represent one-third of all adults in the United They control half ofthe nation’s wealtbh and, at least before the were spending $2 trillion on consumer products and servicesd a year. Boomers were expected to accounty for about 40 percent of spending by according to a reportin 2007.
So, retailer and marketers are eager to figure out how to reachythis generation. Some in the consumer productx and services industry are gettingit right, whilw many others still have much to learn — and said experts who specialize in marketintg to baby boomers. Marketing to this 19-year generationh is proving tricky. Although boomer s are lumped together, they’re a diversw group with divergent life experiences given that they range in age from 44to 63. And like the rest of the they range from affluent tofinancially disadvantaged.
The way to marketr to boomers is by individual life stagesegments — such as empty-nesters and grandparents — without mentioningb age, consultants said. “They refuse to be called That is the worst thing you can do to this saidAlice Jacobs, a Rosevillew baby boomer who advises companied on generational marketing and teaches seminars and classee on the topic, including througyh UC Davis Extension. Although generalizing of boomersz should bedone sparingly, older baby boomers refuss to grow up. They think old age startsa around 75or 80, said Matt founder of , a marketing researcu and consulting firm in Virginia. Boomers see themselves as vibrantand active.
They like trying new services and despite the myth that theyare brand-loyal, spokesman Anthony Deluise The association of people 50 and older no longert uses “retired” in its name. Boomers like print advertisiny because they want lotsof information. Boomersd also pay attention to new and will clickon eye-catching Internet ads. This generation also likes products, services and shoppin g experiences that make them feel speciaoland pampered, consultants said. They don’ty want to merely eat or buy things. They want to they want experiences. This is especially true since the recession started. Many boomers who are 60 had expected to retire over the nextfive years.
Now, they will likelgy work an extra three to five years because ofthei hard-hit investments and pensions, Dychtwaled said. The good news is they won’t be on a fixesd income and willstill spend. But their free time will be more More boomers will be working and raising childrehn or grandchildren while also dealingt with their own sick Asa result, “experience over thingse become valued,” Dychtwald said. “There is a real shifft going on right now on what peopleare valuing.” Boomers in particular want to be responsiblse consumers. “It’s not about buying stuf f to have stuff,” Thornhill said.
Lifestylw centers — which combine upscale storez with restaurants, entertainment and comfortable places tolingere — provide the experiences that boomers want. Locaol examples are Sacramento’s Pavilions centere and The Fountainsin Roseville.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Gap Holiday Sales Come in Flat, Reaffirms Guidance - Fox Business
Gap Holiday Sales Come in Flat, Reaffirms Guidance Fox Business Despite the lukewarm results, Gap reaffirmed its previous guidance of $1.77 to $1.82 a share, which would represent annual earnings growth of 12% to 15%. ... Gap sags as December revenue results disappoint US: Gap reaffirms outlook as December sales slide |
Monday, January 3, 2011
Wanted: ecotourism operator for state - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Legislature approved a special $250,0090 appropriation to fund the ecotourism project in fiscapyear 2010. The work will include creatingg an inventory of ecotourism assets in the state and vetting theser assets to be certified as part of the ecotourism It would also involve teaching ecotourism marketing skill s and working with other stat e agencies and public and private entitiesz to administerthe program. The contract is scheduledr to begin Aug. 20, or when all state approvalsx arereceived — whichevere is later — and will last a The contract may be extended for up to threw additional one-year periods.
Tourism Secretaryu Michael Cerletti said the ecotourism initiativwe will bring new and sustainable businesses and economic opportunities to communitied aroundthe state. Richards Eeds, the department’s advertising director, is the procuremenft manager forthe RFP. He can be reached at 827-6557 or The RFP is at the department’x Web site.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Art and Theater Listings - Press Herald
Art and Theater Listings Press Herald "Aunt Lu: The Story of Princess Watahwaso," photographs and objects, Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor. Through April 2. "Little Elegies: The Art ... |